Republican – Town Council At-Large
How long have you been a resident of Clarksville?: 59 Years
Occupation: Owner – Worrall’s Automotive and Machine Shop
Education: Clarksville High School (1981)
Previously held elected office: District 3 Town Council – 1 Term
Why did you decide to run for this office?
“I held the position before, and I was approached by several groups of people who wanted me to try and get back in. The last election I had some health issues that held me back from getting out and working and talking to people in the neighborhoods, so this time I feel up to the task of making another run to get elected and serve the fine people of this great town!“
What do you believe is the biggest challenge facing the Town of Clarksville, and what would you do to address it if elected?
“We have so many projects going on the town, that we need to concentrate on trying to get the ones we have going on finished before we move on to the next project, I know sometimes things happen before a job can get finished, but I’d like to make sure that we all the right people in the right position’s to over see these projects and get them completed. So I’d like to make sure that we have the department head position’s filled.”
What are your goals for the office?
“To give the people of Clarksville a voice, if they have anything that they would like addressed or looked into I will be that person to do that for them!”
What experience do you have that makes you the best candidate for the position?
“I’ve been in business for over 35 years, ran the day to day operations of it, spent 4 years on the council, served on the Flood control board also other committees involved with the projects going on in the town, I have lived here my whole life, and would love to be able to help keep the town headed in the right direction.”
What do you think is the most important skill someone needs to fill the office you are running for?
“A person that is not afraid to listen to the people and remember he or she is working for them!”
What distinguishes you from your opponent?
“I’ll just say that every candidate running I have the utmost respect for!”
If there was one thing that you could change about the Town of Clarksville, what would it be?
“Really can’t answer that question, love this town and wouldn’t live anywhere else.”