Republican – District 4
How long have you been a resident of Clarksville?: 26 Years
Occupation: Operation Safety Management
Education: Indiana University (1999); Columbia Southern (2012) – Safety Management
Previously held elected office: None
Why did you decide to run for this office?
“I decided to run for office to help lead our town in the right direction for positive growth and prosperity. I want to help to serve our town.”
What do you believe is the biggest challenge facing the Town of Clarksville, and what would you do to address it if elected?
“Infrastructure – We have roads and bridges that need fixed.”
What are your goals for the office?
“My first goal would be to public safety to make sure the police and fire departments have the resources they need to safely serve our community. My second goal is make sure the public works department has the resources to fix the roads and streets and the bridges throughout the town. My third goal is is to be transparent with public.”
What experience do you have that makes you the best candidate for the position?
“I am successful business leader in a multi billion dollar company. I have experiencing leading people and working with multi million dollar budgets.”
What do you think is the most important skill someone needs to fill the office you are running for?
“A team player.”
What distinguishes you from your opponent?
“I am a conservative that believes that every dime counts. I believe in responsible transparent government.”
If there was one thing that you could change about the Town of Clarksville, what would it be?
“Redevelopment of Eastern Blvd., and Lewis and Clark area. help bring in more affordable, housing and help attract and bring new businesses into the town.”