CLARKSVILLE, IN (November 6, 2023) – Clarksville’s Beechwood Manor Subdivision will be receiving some much-needed improvements in Spring 2024. The Town of Clarksville has been awarded a Community Crossings Matching Grant from the State of Indiana in the amount of $227,121 for the milling and paving of several streets in the Beechwood Manor neighborhood.
The grant, funded through the Indiana Department of Transportation, will pay for 50 percent of the project with the Town covering the other 50 percent. The Town of Clarksville portion will be paid for through the Town MVH or Motor Vehicle Highway Fund. The streets which will receive treatment include: Beechwood Drive, Coral Way, Flamingo Drive, Hibiscus Drive, Lynnwood Drive, Maplewood Drive, and Rosewood Drive. The road work is expected to begin in April 2024.

Clarksville Town Council
“The Town of Clarksville is thrilled to be receiving another substantial grant from the Community Crossings Program,” said Ryan Ramsey, President of the Clarksville Town Council. “The repaving of the Beechwood Manor subdivision has been a long time coming, it’s exciting to see this coming to fruition!”
Launched in 2016, the Community Crossings Matching Grant Program provides funding to cities, towns, and counties across Indiana to make improvements to local roads and bridges. Community Crossings is a partnership between INDOT and Hoosier communities, both urban and rural, to invest in infrastructure projects that catalyze economic development, create jobs, and strengthen local transportation networks.
Community Crossings is open to all local government units in the State of Indiana. Match percentages are:
– Cities and towns with a population of fewer than 10,000 will receive funds using a 75/25% match.
– Cities and towns with a population of greater than 10,000 will receive funds using a 50/50% match.
– Counties with a population of fewer than 50,000 people will receive funds using a 75/25% match.
– Counties with a population of greater than 50,000 people will receive funds using a 50/50% match.