CLARKSVILLE, IN (October 4, 2022) – The Clarksville Town Council has decided to temporarily open up access to Lewis and Clark Parkway at Hollywood Boulevard for the use of Lincoln Heights residents. The opening will begin immediately and continue until further notice.
The opening is temporary and is meant to provide another access to Lincoln Heights during our ongoing Wastewater Construction project on Lincoln Drive. The work surrounding Lincoln Heights is expected to be completed by Thanksgiving. This includes the completion of the sewer line down Lincoln Drive, the work at the intersection with Lewis and Clark, and the restoration of the roadway, except for final asphalt.
Questions regarding this project can be directed to the Clarksville Wastewater Billing Office at 812-282-0441. The Clarksville Wastewater Department appreciates residents’ patience and understanding as we work to complete this much needed project.
Town Council Authorizes Temporary Opening of Hollywood Blvd During Lincoln Drive Construction